Market Entry Application Form

Application for:-

1.  Admission as a Code Party under the Market Code, and

2. Membership of Central Market Agency Limited

Company contact details

First name is required
Please enter a valid UK Telephone number
Address line 1 is required
City is required
Postcode is required

Applicant's Company

Please answer.
Please provide your company number.

Applicant's contact details

The person submitting the application.

Title is required
First name is required
Last name is required
Position is required
Please enter a valid UK Telephone number
Please enter a valid UK Fax number
Please enter a valid Email address
Address line 1 is required
City is required
Postcode is required

Contract Manager's details

(Market Code Part 5 (Market Design), Section 5.2.4 and Transition contact under Market Code Schedule 5 (Transitional Duties), paragraph 4.1.2(i))

Title is required
First name is required
Last name is required
Position is required
Please enter a valid UK Telephone number
Please enter a valid UK Fax number
Please enter a valid Email address
Address line 1 is required
City is required
Postcode is required

TP Member's details

(Market Code Part 8 (Governance),Section 8.6.2)

Title is required
First name is required
Last name is required
Position is required
Please enter a valid UK Telephone number
Please enter a valid UK Fax number
Please enter a valid Email address
Address line 1 is required
City is required
Postcode is required

Authorised signatory/ies

Not already covered in the above 3 sections.

Details of Licenses or Licence exemptions held (which have not been the subject of any successful appeal)

Please include details as to whether Licence is full, specialist or self-supply

Water license is required
Sewerage license is required

Applicant VAT details

Please answer.
Please provide your VAT registration number.

Please confirm.
Please confirm.
Please confirm.
Please confirm.
Please confirm.
Please confirm.


Please select one option.

Please confirm.

It is the CMA’s aim that an Application will be processed within 10 Business Days of receipt by the CMA. If an application is successful, the Applicant will then be invited to enter into an Accession Agreement to become a Code Party and upon that Accession Agreement being executed by the parties thereto the Applicant will be admitted as a Code Party to the Market Code, and subject to Paragraph (f) above as a member of CMA.